What are you looking for?
Most college students and recent graduates worry that they’ll take a job that doesn’t matter in the long run. They want to make a difference, right now. We offer an up-to-3-year position that combines real business experience with life-changing ministry, so that you are FULLY equipped to continue Kingdom impact no matter where you end up in the future.
Spiritual Development
- Participate in an ELP-specific Bible study (off-season) These studies are aligned with The Navigators’ Collegiate staff training studies.
- Lead a counselor Bible study (summer)
Opportunities to be discipled (spiritual mentorship) and disciple others
Learn from renowned Navigator speakers and our own EL Full Time Staff
Business & Professional Development

- You will be assigned to one of our 6 key teams (Administration [Marketing, Communications, and Customer Service], Recruiting, Maintenance, Overnight Programs, Day Camp Programs, or Training and Development) in an off-season role with corresponding responsibilities
Practical business development curriculum throughout the year
Training and support in and accountability through business support systems and project management tools like Align and Google Drive to create and execute quarterly priorities and key performance indicators
Your choice on how to use your professional development budget to benefit your goals and resume (e.g. workshops, conferences, online courses, etc.)
Leadership Development

- Summer leadership role, which typically scales with each year of the program may look like:
Year 1: Program Coach (PC)
Year 2: Track or Program Director
Year 3: Programs Manager
Opportunities to manage groups of people, projects, programs, and logistics corresponding to your leadership role
Training and support, particularly through Direct Reports and Staff Advocates, to ensure healthy development
Ministry Partner Development
- Learn to live by Biblical foundations for raising financial support through inductive Bible study and coaching
Complete an initial two-week Funding School for training and development in Ministry Partner Development (MPD)
Each following year, spend one month in intensive re-training, planning, and executing MPD goals with a funding coach
On-going training and support with updates and newsletters throughout the year

We're looking for:
Personal relationships and active walk with Jesus
Completed Bachelor’s degree (Associate degrees and professional certifications will be considered)
Raise $40,000 per year in personal support
Willingness to serve in whatever capacity needed
Desire to learn and grow spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and professionally


Abby Anderson, ELP Class 1
My time on ELP demystified leadership. Not only did I have the opportunity to serve under many who modeled strategic, thoughtful and Godly leadership but they took the time to teach me how to do the same. Six-years later I continue to use the lessons learned during ELP in leading my own team, making decisions and ultimately pursing greater Kingdom impact through non-profit work.

James Renner, ELP Class 7
ELP is a great opportunity to grow in ministry and leadership skills, both through leadership roles in camp during the summer and through the variety of responsibilities in the off-season. It's an encouraging environment to be able to grow in all sorts of skills in close community with the rest of the staff!

ELP is such a formative experience! It is exactly the kind of career building experience I wanted right out of college. I loved the leadership development, hands on business experience, and the opportunity to work alongside fellow believers in ministry. I grew so much over my years in ELP!
Need to Knows:
Important Dates
Raising Support
Third week of August: Ministry Partner Development (MPD) training
December 1st: START AT THE OFFICE!
ELP will need to find their own housing in Colorado Springs.
The money you will raise goes through The Navigators, which is a 501C3. This means that the money belongs to The Navigators. In turn, The Navigators provide benefits and a bi-weekly paycheck.
The Navigators provides all ELP-ers with medical benefits through UMR. ELP-ers can choose to opt in or out of dental and vision insurance. ELP-ers also have the option to contribute to an HSA account and to a Fidelity retirement account provided by the Navigators.
The goal of Eagle Lake Camps is to inspire Christ-centered love and commitment through counselor relationships in the midst of exciting outdoor experiences.
In order to figure out how to live out our goal daily in both a camp and office setting, we developed
five Core Values.
These Core Values mold the way we live our lives and interact with one another. They are the framework we use to hire, fire, and make all major (and most minor!) decisions.
Ready to hear them?
1. LIVE IN THE WHEELHOUSE (Christ-Centered)
On ELP that looks like...
We are committed to -- before anything else and above everything else -- following Jesus by practicing the spiritual disciplines (think: The Wheel Illustration). This means we do our best to faithfully (not perfectly) place Jesus at the center of our lives by spending time reading, studying and obeying the Bible; praying alone and with others; interacting with other believers in intentional, regular fellowship; and sharing our faith with non-believers.
ELP-ers participate in an inductive Bible study with their ELP class during the off-season. They lead an inductive Bible study for counselors during the summer. Most weekly huddles and all-staff meetings begin with a devotion and end with time in prayer. Staff are taught how to have a DAWG (Day Alone With God) and are given one workday a month to do so.
There are also occasional spiritual development opportunities, like national days of prayer, that our umbrella organization, The Navigators, offers, as our office is next to their Headquarters. ELP staff are also highly encouraged to seek out Christian community and look for ways to serve through the local church, as well as find discipleship opportunities.
Our staff are committed to helping ELP-ers find someone to disciple them.
(Guests First)
On ELP that looks like...
At Eagle Lake, we want to consistently practice a “guest first” mentality. This means regularly thinking about how we can do what is best for our customer, and then carrying that out! Just as Jesus didn’t come to be served but to serve, we don’t see ourselves as bestowing the great gift of camp on our campers, their families, or our counselors. Instead, we remind ourselves that we are dependent on them to carry out camp. We are not doing them a favor by serving them; they are doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so. They do not benefit from our ministry, they are our ministry.
ELP-ers are given a plethora of ways to engage friends and interact with customers at Eagle Lake. While these interactions vary slightly depending on the role of the ELP-er, every ELP-er will have the opportunity to interact with campers, parents, and counselors on some level during the summer. During the off season, other friends ELP-ers may interact with are groups renting our property, vendors we work with, Host Partners, potential staff (through recruiting) and potential parents. Our Customer Service team will train ELP-ers on best practices so that ELP-ers can confidently and respectfully serve our customers by engaging them as friends.
On ELP that looks like...
Yes, we love fun. And yes, a lot of us love to be loud about it! However, this core value is REALLY about sharing a passion for following Jesus and advancing His Kingdom through discipleship at Eagle Lake. Don't worry, we know your level of passion isn't dictated by your loudness! Jesus created us all differently! But we are uncompromising in our passion. It’s what drives us, what gets us out of the bed in the morning, what carries us through the winter months furthest from camp, what motivates us to show up and do our job with excellence each and every day.
Again, this looks differently for each person, depending on your strengths, giftings, personality, and past work and life experiences - and that’s great! We actually love to see how this plays out differently in each person. The question you have to ask yourself in making the decision to live out this Core Value is: “Am I passionate about the goal of Eagle Lake? (i.e. Helping kids meet Jesus and college kids experienced transformed lives through life-to-life discipleship.) Does it align with how I want to walk with Jesus?” If the answer is yes, then you will naturally live this Core Value out!
On ELP that looks like...
At Eagle Lake, we work to remember that nothing we have - not our property, not our equipment, not our programming, not our staff - is actually ours. Instead, all is the Lord’s. He has simply entrusted it to our care for now. So we work to practice stewardship through faithfulness, excellence, and whole-heartedness. We hold our work with an open hand as we seek His leadership in our decisions, and we work hard to take care of that which has been given to us.
ELP-ers are asked to steward their time, talents, and territory well while serving at camp. This applies to everything from arriving at work each day on time and using your work hours faithfully, coming to meetings prepared, completing work deadlines on time and with excellence, keeping your workspace tidy, carefully maintaining any equipment that is entrusted to you or your team during the summer, and literally picking up any trash you see on the ground to wholeheartedly giving yourself to the task that’s been given to you even if it’s not fun or glamorous. This last part is often the hardest, as many ELP-ers are asked to serve behind the scenes their first year or two. The work may not be flashy but it is important, and we ask our ELP-ers to practice stewardship by first and foremost seeing everything in their care as entrusted to them by the Father, even the mundane jobs. We call this “mundane faithfulness.”
(Take Initiative)
On ELP that looks like...
We, like Paul talking to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12, do not believe age is a prerequisite for leadership! Instead, we believe everyone has influence on the people around them, and we’re passionate about equipping people to cultivate that influence into servant leadership for the sake of the Kingdom. We LOVE when staff take (appropriate) initiative, and many of our best current practices come from staff who took initiative to “leave it better than they found it.” We believe cultivating leadership best thrives in structured settings with coaching and accountability, so we work to create an environment that offers these to our ELP-ers.
In the off-season, ELP-ers have two supervisors of sorts: their Direct Report and their Staff Advocate. Direct Reports are the ELP-er’s immediate supervisor. They have been trained in The Coaching Habit to coach ELP-ers towards success in their day-to-day work. Staff Advocates are Full Time Staff not connected to the ELP-er’s daily work. They exist to provide emotional and relational support for any work-related, personal life, and even spiritual struggles the ELP-er would like an advocate in. Additionally, the only real way to learn how to be a good leader is to lead! Thus, during the summer, each ELP-er is given a leadership role. This role varies depending on experience, talents, and camp needs, but almost always looks like the ELP-er serving as either a Program Coach (PC) or Track Director. Staff Advocates and Direct Reports continue through the summer.